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The Impeach Bush Movement

Here is a recent email MoveOn sent:

During the buildup to war, President Bush said the United States "must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.... We have every reason to assume the worst, and we have an urgent duty to prevent the worst from occurring." 1

On the eve of sending troops into battle, Bush asserted that "intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." 2

Now David Kay, the CIA’s chief weapons inspector, has testified before Congress that these weapons do not exist.

In an attempt to evade responsibility for the misleading statements that pushed the nation into war, Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and delay any political damage until 2005, after the upcoming election. 3

But the facts need no clarification. Despite repeated warnings from the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency, President Bush and his administration hyped and distorted the threat that Iraq posed. 4 And now that reality is setting in, the President wants to pin the blame on someone else. We can't let him.

Congress has the power to censure the President -- to formally reprimand him for betraying the nation's trust. If ever there was a time for this, it's now. Join our call on Congress to censure President Bush at:

It's clear that we’ve been misled:

David Kay said last week, "I'm personally convinced that there were not large stockpiles of newly produced weapons of mass destruction," and "We don't find the people, the documents or the physical plants that you would expect to find if the production was going on." 5 Kay said these things shortly after resigning from his post as Bush's chief weapons inspector in Iraq.

Bush, in his 2003 State of the Union address, said, "the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." 6 Yet Ambassador Joe Wilson, who was sent to Niger in February 2002 to determine whether Iraq was trying to purchase uranium materials there, concluded that "intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat." 7

A CIA report in February 2003 said: "We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since [1998] to reconstitute its Weapons of Mass Destruction programs." 8

It's also clear that the misleading was deliberate:

The respected Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently found that the administration "systematically misrepresented the threat" from Iraq. 9

The basis for President Bush's African uranium claim was known at the time to be forged and not credible.10 "Top White House officials knew that the CIA seriously disputed the claim that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium in Africa long before the claim was included in Bush's January address to the nation," according to the Washington Post.11

Secretary of State Colin Powell became alarmed at the level of intelligence distortion. When he read the first draft of his speech to the UN -- prepared for Powell by Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff -- he was so upset that he lost his temper, throwing several pages in the air and declaring, "I'm not reading this. This is bullsh--."12

Our democracy only works when we know the truth. We now know President Bush and his administration deliberately misled Congress and the American people. Censure is the least we should expect in response.

The independent inquiry will need a year or more to come to a conclusion, according to the Bush administration. It took less time than that for the country to go to war. We don't need more investigation, we need accountability, and we need it now.

Join our call on Congress to censure President Bush at:

We'll be holding a press conference in Washington on Thursday, announcing our campaign for Censure. If you sign on now, we can count your signature at the press conference. Please sign on right away.

Thank you.


- Adam, Carrie, Eli, James, Joan, Laura, Noah, Peter, Wes, and Zack
The Team

Other impeach Bush websites:

There is also “Impeach Bush, Cheney, Achcroft and Rumsfeld.” This site has a link back to Clark’s website. This is because Prof. Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois, who is the leader of this site, co-authored articles of impeachment against George H. W. Bush for invading Iraq the first time. have a site that says that Bush should be impeached because he didn’t stop 9/11.

There is another site called the Four Reasons that offers these reasons for impeachment:

1. The invasion of Iraq has been planned for many years by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), an organization founded by a small group of right wing political visionaries and corporate elite dedicated to promoting American global leadership.

2. Many members of the Bush Administration are convicted criminals. The International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan convened in Tokyo, 2003 found the Bush Administration guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity for the invasion of Afghanistan.

3. There is no degree of separation between the current administration and those who control the means of production, the means of communication, and the military-industrial complex.

4. “We the People” pay for “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, the staging of “multiple theatre wars”, and the killing of the innocent peoples of foreign lands in the name of Freedom and Democracy, while 'elected' officials pass radical legislation taking away our rights and controlling the flow of information.

John R. MacArthur on Common Dreams website calls for impeaching President Bush Now:

After all, Mr. Bush now stands plausibly accused of the lofty crime of subverting the Constitution of the United States -- that is, lying to Congress about an imminent danger to the American people in order to collect enough votes to authorize his corporate/imperial project in Iraq. Yet, outside of a few brave remarks from Senator Robert Graham, and the considered opinion of Watergate stool pigeon John W. Dean, almost nobody dares speak the "I" word.

There are a lot of other sites: online petition to impeach the President that uses the Homeland Security Act as the reason to impeach; a Yahoo Group to impeach; another web site that organizes meetups every month around those who want to impeach the President. The next one is Monday, February 23 @ 7:00PM (4th Monday of every month.); another calls for ending the Bush occupation; there is a poll on whether Bush should be impeached; The Tipping Organization lists the names of those who have signed a petition to impeach; there is an Arizona website that calls itself an independent media site that informs people about impeaching the President; one of the more irrational sites is Hemp is Cool that has 76 of the most absurd reasons ever coined; and there are many more.

While this effort may seem to be absurd, the fact is that these groups are ardently working towards their goal of impeaching Bush and are frightening in their seriousness.

If that isn’t bad enough, Michael Savage, one of talk radio's biggest stars, tonight called for the impeachment of President Bush over his plans to legalize millions of illegal aliens.

There is a need to stop this madness.

There is a need for individuals to come to the defense of the President. Sign our petition to tell the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate that the American people support the President and the need to defend our country from terrorists.

 read and sign the



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this page was last updated: 02/23/04