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"Fahrenheit 451"

Michael Moore political cartoon.


Aug. 21, 2004...



John Kerry calls for the death of Freedom of Speech

John Kerry calls on "Unfit for Commmand" publishers Regenry to stop publishing and distributing the book, which charges Kerry lied and distorted the facts while serving in Vietnam in order to gain medals and a quick trip home.

Additional calls by Kerry to the various big-name retail book outlets have also been made, where he has asked that the book be 'pulled from the shelves' and removed.

  • No such call for a ban or removal was issued by John Kerry for Michael Moore's movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" which is deeply marred with untruths, unprovable charges and includes interviews and footage for which he did not receive permission and distorted through careful editing of the film. Kerry supports Moore's right to Freedom of Speech.

  • No such call for a ban or removal was issued by John Kerry for Richard A. Clarke's Bush-bashing book, "Against All Enemies," ... even though it is now known to contain lies and misrepresentations about President Bush. Kerry supports Clarke's right to Freedom of Speech.

  • And no such call for a ban or removal was issued by John Kerry for Joe Wilson's Bush-bashing book, "The Politics of Truth,"... even though it, too, is now known to contain lies and misrepresentations about President Bush. Kerry supports Wilson's right to Freedom of Speech.

Kerry supports Michael Moore's, Richard Clarke's and Joe Wilson's right to Freedom of Speech. But Kerry does not support the Swift Boat Veterans' right to Freedom of Speech. He denies them Freedom of Speech.

This is no regular Kerry flip-flop. This is how Kerry reacts under the pressure of attack -- by trying to take away his opponents' freedom. And the Old Media are right in there with him. The same Old Media that lauded, touted, indulged in endless detail and reveled in "Fahrenheit 9/11", "Against All Enemies" and "The Politics of Truth" -- though the informational 'proof' against Bush presented in these works was less documented than the charges in "Unfit for Command" against Kerry.

Had President Bush -- or the GOP -- called for a halt to the publishing or viewing of any of these Bush-bashing works, the Old Media would have corporately screamed LOUDLY, decried the Hitler-esque plunge into darkness, bemoaned the utter death of Freedom of Speech such an action would mean, and sued valiantly.

John Kerry has called for a book banning and the denial of Freedom of Speech for the Swiftees. But there is no corporate scream from the Old Media. And from the looks of it (the combined, coordinated Swiftee smear articles spewing forth from the New York Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe) the Old Media is not only doing John Kerry's dirty work, but they are about to have themselves a Swiftee lynching!

To John Kerry and the Old Media, the death of Freedom of Speech does not matter... only the defeat of George W. Bush.


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