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Oct. 17, 2004

Kerry’s true colors  by Roger Wm. Hughes

Sen. John Kerry’s long and sordid past of association with defaming American soldiers, voting against needed weapon systems, voting to cut funding to American intelligence agencies and negotiating with America’s enemies continues to be the past that Kerry would like the voters to forget.

For those ill informed about Kerry’s love of negotiating with America’s enemies, there is the time he met with the Communist North Vietnamese in Paris during the Peace Talks (while still officially enlisted in the Navy) and then again with the Communist leader Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua in 1981. These are just the times that Kerry bragged about.

However, Kerry’s goal of having it both ways - being a war hero and against the war - is a balancing act that no politician can perform this high up on the political high wire with everyone watching.

There are many who seek to continue to disclose Kerry’s anti-American record. This is just one reason that the airing of Stolen Honor on the Sinclair TV stations is so devastating to Kerry. The show will reveal Kerry’s anti-American past when he lied about war atrocities to the Senate -- testimony that shows the real harm that the liberal-leftist-anti-American-wing of the Democrat Party has done to this nation and to those who have defended its freedoms.

Still, Kerry would attempt a Houdini act on the high wire and have Americans believe that Iraq is the wrong war despite repeated connections at many different levels that Saddam Hussein and many different terrorist were working together.

Then there is the inability of Kerry to offer a clear and consistent position on the War in Iraq. All of these things add up the fact that Kerry is not only unfit to be Commander in Chief, but that he also has a perverse record of tearing down those who would defend our nation.

Kerry’s record of causing harm to this nation’s ability to defend itself is troubling, and causes one to wonder... why?





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