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"Welcome to Clintonland"

John Kerry & the Clintons political cartoon.


Sept. 6, 2004...

Kerry Campaign shake-up

Kerry’s campaign is now divided into two camps and most are betting on the former staff of President Clinton. The Clinton camp includes Joe Lockhart, a former White House press secretary; Joel Johnson, a former senior White House aide; and Doug Sosnik, a former Clinton political director. And Howard Wolfson, a former chief of staff to Hillary Rodham Clinton,

James Carville said that Kerry "is not satisfied with the state of his campaign." Carville promised that Kerry would reshape his campaign. Carville’s stated that he had talked with former President Clinton in his hospital bed and the knowledge that Sen. John Kerry spent an hour and half on the phone with Clinton last night combined with the new former Clinton staff demonstrates the changes.

"It's true," Kerry strategist Tad Devine told "Fox News Sunday." "Our message could not get through the way we wanted it to in August," because of the Swift Boat ads.

The Mary Beth Cahill ace in the hole is John Sasso -- best known as campaign manager for Michael S. Dukakis's failed presidential bid in 1988 -- to begin traveling with him full time and become his on-site political counselor. Cahill worked with Sasso before. Sasso is a 22-year friend of Kerry’s.

It’s the economy stupid:

Expect the Clinton strategy to come into play. No matter what the question, expect the Kerry people to answer that America can’t be respected unless we have a strong economy and President Bush is the only President since Herbert Hoover to have lost jobs during his Presidency. Then, there will be the fact that 43 million uninsured Americans contributes to America’s weakness. Of course, rising higher education costs and not adequately funding No Child Left Behind makes America vulnerable. An additional, economic factor in making America weak and vulnerable to attack will be the lack of importation of drugs from other countries.

This will be the way that the Kerry’s campaign will try to move the subject from Vietnam to the economy. They will make it a two for one operation. In order to have a secure nation we have to be strong economically.

Of course, the problem is that the economy is coming back strong.

Then there is this historical fact. "There's never been a challenger that has come back after being down double digits after the convention, after their incumbent's convention. That's never happened," Bush strategist Matthew Dowd told "Fox News Sunday




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