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"Hand off"

John Kerry and CBS political cartoon.


Sept. 11, 2004...


Where is the outcry about Kerry and the DNC?

What about the trail by which these forged memos got to CBS? Here’s what Rush Limbaugh had to say yesterday about the route by which they arrived at CBS:

"This story from the Prowler at the American Spectator: "More than six weeks ago, an opposition research staffer for the Democratic National Committee received documents purportedly written by President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard squadron commander, the late Colonel Jerry Killian. The opposition researcher claimed the source was a 'retired military officer.' According to a DNC staffer, the documents were seen by both senior staff members at the Democrat National Committee as well as at the Kerry campaign. 'More than a couple people have heard about these papers,' says the DNC staffer. 'I've heard that they ended up at the Kerry campaign for them to decide how to proceed and presumably the Kerry campaign handed the papers over to 60 Minutes which used them on Wednesday night, but I know this much: When there was discussion here, there were doubts raised about their authenticity.'" That's a quote from a DNC staffer.”

When the Swiftees and John O’Neill’s book “Unfit for Command” first came to light, all we heard from the press was “Bush connections.” Where is the outcry about “Kerry connections, DNC connections” regarding these forgeries?

The outcry starts here.



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