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"Another Sandy Job?"

Sandy Berger & the new Kerry-Lied book, "Unfit for Command"


Aug. 4, 2004

Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport fame says he’s breaking ‘the embargo’ on the new Kerry lied tell-all book, “Unfit for Command” written by John O’Neil. (O’Neil is the former Navy officer who took over command of Kerry’s swift boat in Vietnam after Kerry left. )

Kerry’s swift departure after serving only 4 months is the subject of controversy. He is the only swift boat vet to have served only 4 months. The new book, which officially goes on sale August 10, touts answers to this controversy – and numerous others swirling around Kerry.

Much has been reported through the nontraditional media about Kerry’s Vietnam service. But such information has gotten a chilly response by the mainstream, liberal press who fail to pursue it. This new book, which is now ranked #7 at AmazonBooks, may break the ice.

Here’s what DRUDGE is reporting:

A veterans group seeking to deeply discredit Democrat John Kerry's military service will charge in the new bombshell book UNFIT FOR COMMAND:

·        Two of John Kerry's three Purple Heart decorations resulted from self-inflicted wounds, not suffered under enemy fire.

·        All three of Kerry's Purple Hearts were for minor injuries, not requiring a single hour of hospitalization.

·        A "fanny wound" was the highlight of Kerry's much touted "no man left behind" Bronze Star.

·        Kerry turned the tragic death of a father and small child in a Vietnamese fishing boat into an act of "heroism" by filing a false report on the incident.

·        Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

·        Kerry's reckless behavior convinced his colleagues that he had to go -- becoming the only Swift Boat veteran to serve only four months.

The Kerry campaign is planning to vigorously counter the charges and will accuse the veteran's groups of being well-financed by a top Bush donor from Texas, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"They hired a goddamn private investigator to dig up trash!" charged a top Kerry adviser traveling with the senator late Tuesday. "This is pay for play, and the dirtiest of all dirty tricks ever played on a candidate for the presidency. How low can they go?"

Kerry supporters are comparing the effort by the veterans to the Arkansas State troopers tell-all against Bill Clinton.

UNFIT FOR COMMAND will not be released until August 15.

The names. The details. All on the record.

Beginning tomorrow, the DRUDGE REPORT will break the embargo.


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