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John Kerry and Teresa Heinz political cartoon.


Aug. 8, 2004...

This week the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group (a 527 PAC) launched a 30-second anti-Kerry television ad aimed at Kerry's Vietnam record.

The 'Swifties' claim Kerry is lying and distorting the truth about the medals he received during his 4 months operating a Swift Boat during the Vietnam War.

The Kerry campaign retaliated through lawyers, sending a threatening letter to the television stations about the ad. Controversy further swirled around a Boston Globe article and reporter Michael Kranish as to the accuracy of comments supposedly said by Commander George Elliott, one of the Swifties.

All in all, it was but the first whirl in this brewing storm... a storm that has the potential of sinking Kerry's presidential aspirations.

Why are the Swifties, who are now receiving death threats and email viruses, willing to take on such a battle to bring the truth about Kerry's Vietnam service to light?

Perhaps one of the best worded comments comes from this fellow -- also a Vietnam veteran -- which appeared on ::

"It is difficult for those under 45 in this country to understand the emotion and raw nerve that Vietnam strikes in this country. Kerry used Vietnam to attack his comrades and diminish their service and sacrifice. Did he think that we have forgotten what he did? Now he wears his service as a badge of honor, something he tried to deny to the rest of us. The SBVFT [Swift Boat Veterans for Truth] are now giving him the ultimate payback as he is tantalizing close to his ultimate prize, which he has dreamed about since he was 18. We are all indebted to the courage of those noble 200 who are taking on Kerry and the media. The truth will prevail."


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