Iowa Presidential Watch


P R E S S   R E L E A S E

Aug. 14, 2004
For Immediate Release
For further information contact:
Roger Wm. Hughes


What does Linda Eddy of Webster City, Iowa have in common with Norman Rockwell and Roy Lichtenstein? All of them are featured in the latest exhibit at the Arizona State University Museum of Art. The museum is offering a special exhibition of Democracy in America: Political Satire Then and Now.

"It is an honor to be chosen by Arizona and to have them judge that my artwork meets the caliber of all these great artist. I hope that in some way that it will help bring recognition to the new digital art form that I believe that I am helping to pioneer," said Linda Eddy.

Eddy has been selected to display six giclee prints (pronounced: zhee-klay) for the Democracy in America exhibit.

Linda Eddy is the political cartoonist for Iowa Presidential Watch, an uncoordinated federal PAC – She was born and graduated from Forest City and is also a graduate of Drake University where she received a degree in graphic design.

Arizona Museum Director Marilyn Zeitlin commenting on the exhibit said, "Voting is the ultimate opportunity for us to express our opinions about who represents us, but art – beautiful, caustic, simple or searing – often frames or reflects those opinions. The election is on everyone’s mind, and, with the presidential debate coming to Arizona State University, we felt this was a special opportunity to add some perspective to the whole political process."

Democracy is designed to inspire visitors to become fully engaged in the democratic process and will coincide with the last round of presidential debates scheduled to be held at ASU on Oct. 13. The exhibition will kick off with a "Super Tuesday" party from 5 to 8 p.m., Aug. 31 to welcome back ASU students.

Other artist in the exhibit besides Linda Eddy include: Eric Avery, Russell Barnett Aitken, Jim Budde, Enrique Chagoya, Colin Chillag, Sue Coe, Dan Collins, Robbie Conal, William Coupon, Honoré Daumier, Arthur Habegger, Heide Hesse, William Hogarth, John Haddock, Charles Howe, Benito Huerta, Peter Kuper, Carolyn Lavender, Roy Lichtenstein, Larry Litt, Leopoldo Mendez, Thomas Nast, Mark Newport, Luo Xiao Ping, James Poppitz, Alfred Quiroz, Lynn Randolph, Michael Rich, John Risseeuw, Mike Ritter, Norman Rockwell, Barb Ross, William Sartain, Julian Schnabel, Gregg and Evan Spiridellis, Paul Szep, Einar and Janex de la Torre and Betty Wells.




For full details of the Arizona State University Museum of Art press release go to:

There is a brief bio, photo of Linda Eddy, and the 6 exhibit cartoons here:





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this page was last updated: 08/14/04