"Mickey Moore Club"

Michael "Mickey" Moore, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden political cartoon.


 May 6, 2004...

Michael Moore vs. Disney

RightMarch.com is trying to reinforce the Disney Corporation decision to not distribute Michael Moore’s latest movie, “Fahrenheit 911”:

ALERT: Michael Moore HATES people like you and me.

Now, as our friends at PABAAH.com have been telling the world, he has a new "documentary" that proves it again.

Titled "Fahrenheit 911," it's nothing more than a political assassination piece aimed at attacking and discrediting President George W. Bush. The film is reportedly full of forced attempts to depict an illicit relationship between the Bush and Bin Laden families, as well as insisting that the President *welcomed* the horrific events of Sept. 11, 2001, to enable a power grab.

Extremely anti-American in his views, Michael Moore is a proven opponent of the war on terrorism. He already has unjustly attacked and unfairly condemned the Bush Administration and its efforts to protect our country. He is dedicated to bringing down the Bush Presidency, as evidenced by his scathing Oscar night attack. And his previous films, such as "Bowling for Columbine," reveal just how seething Moore's hatred is for the basic patriotic American values that you and I hold dear.

Making this latest film all the more dangerous is Moore's well-documented fondness for not just misrepresenting the truth but presenting lies as facts in his so-called documentaries. "Fahrenheit 911" promises to be offensive and profane... which makes it all the more stunning that initially, Disney and Icon Productions were backing this film. Initial outrage forced both of them to terminate their association; however, Miramax chose to provide bridge financing.

Thanks in large part to the petitioning efforts of our friends at PABAAH.com, the NY Times is now reporting that the Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax division from distributing the new "documentary" by Moore.

Thank goodness. If Moore wants this film distributed, let him put his OWN money into it. Mel Gibson had to do it, why shouldn't he?

Well, radical left-wing groups like MoveOn.org and Democrats.com are FURIOUS. And they're telling their members to contact Disney and DEMAND that "Farenheit 911" be distributed across the country... at least in time for the Presidential election. How non-partisan of them.

Disney is doing something RIGHT for a change. They need to be encouraged in this action... and YOU need to thank them NOW.

TAKE ACTION: Patriotic Americans across the country need to contact Disney TODAY to thank them for doing the right thing, and to encourage them to stay the course... Say NO
To Michael Moore! All of the phone calls and emails to Disney and Eisner's office apparently have paid off, but we MUST STAY THE COURSE!

Go to the official Disney website below to send a FREE message, thanking them for refusing to distribute Michael Moore's latest venomous anti-American tirade: http://psc.disney.go.com/guestservices/contactus/comments.html

 You can also contact them here:

The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521
Phone: (818) 560-1000
Fax: (818) 560-1930

If you own any Disney stock, contact them here: http://disney.go.com/corporate/investors/shareholder/contact.html

NOTE: If you haven't heard the TRUTH about Michael Moore's outrageous LIES and antics, here's where you can find more info: http://www.moorewatch.com/  http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html  http://www.BowlingForTruth.com/  http://www.MooreLies.com/

Be sure to forward this e-mail to everyone you know who is outraged at lies propagated by radical liberals like Michael Moore and his ilk, and would like to thank Disney for their right-thinking stand. Thank you!


"I would have hoped by now that I would be able to put my work out to the public without having to experience the profound censorship obstacles I often seem to encounter." --Michael Moore claiming political censorship when Disney yanked his Bush-bashing documentary film "Farenheit 911.". 

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